Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Peeping in - sayin' hello :3

Hi guys!

I  hope aaaaall of you had a wonderfull christmas! It came and went so fast... Did you get some good presents?
I received a pair of earrings from my parents and brother. They're really pretty daisy earrings :3
And from my brother I also recieved a painting, very nice of him :3 I see him become more and more creative as he grow up (I like to think that I influenced him - :P)
From my aunt and uncle I recieved a giftcard to a very broad drug store chain in Denmark - Matas. Oh all those things Im going to buy - I CAN'T WAIT!
From my father in law, I got copics :3 ......!!!!!! Need I say more? :D
My grandma thinks that I will be happier with a gift that I could buy for myself, from her I received money - of course spend on copics... xD (they're on their way to me!)

My boyfriend wanted to grant my long wish of getting a helix piercing done, so Im gonna get pierced this week :3 yay!
Though Christmas is stressing, and 3 days in a row where Im supposed to gather for social events is quite challenging for me, but I made it, and for 5 days I've been doing very little, which gave me the opportunity to relax and regain some energy. Yesterday I experienced the itch to draw, which I hadn't felt in a long time.
I have been on to this sketch of Kyoko Mogami from skip beat, when she is her role as Setsuka Heel. I just never really finished the sketch..... Yesterday I felt that it had to be finished, and so I did. It turned out really great, though it took time for me to actually sketch the rest out and line it xD

Though I would have liked the hair to be a little better, I really like this one.. and I'm glad I finally got to finish it. 
Do any of you read the series "Skip beat"? I must say it is probably my favorite manga. I have never laughed so hard while reading before, and you really can't help but love Kyoko! It is my most favorite manga/anime female character! 

It's very close to the last day of 2014. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Though I have accompliced quite a deal this year, I also feel that I went from almost undefeatable to vulnerable. I was really at a high peek at some point, and a really low peek. And I guess i'll just have to get up and walk once again. This social anxiety-thing really takes quite hard on ones strength and the fact that I can't accept that I don't do everything 100% tires me out, and cause a lot of trouble - like having to stay out from school sick. I hope for 2015 to be the year, where I learn to manage my study and learn to control my desire to be "perfect" all the time.
As of now - I have no idea how I can pull that off... 
I will have a meeting with a psychologist AND getting extra help to my study management from a SPS counselor, which is a offer to people with difficulties that might be in their way of their study, like anxiety. 
I hope 2015 it going to be the year, where I kick anxiety's butt and finally get it into my brain that no human being can be at their 100% 24/7 and it is okay for me to be less than perfect. Well I do understand that this is how it works, I somehow just don't "believe it".. Idk xD

TAKE CARE PEOPLE! If you, as us in Denmark, play with fireworks at 00:00 01/01, DO NOT BLOW OFF ANY FINGERS OR ARMS OR WHATEVER. Please stay in one piece okay? I hope you get to 2015 safely, likely also staying safe after we reached 2015, thank you.

I wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR and may you have an awesome 2015! Let's rock the new year :3   

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Hi you guys... So it isn´t really going for me.. yeah.
Im diagnosed with stress, so now Im out sick from school. In half a year or so, I'll start up again with new classmates - not really helping on my stress problem because of my social anxiety.
Im sorry I have to bring such bad news, but I have to tell you, that I might not be active for a while. Regardless of how much I want to draw and write, Im just left with no energy.

You see, the thing is, it was not my mind that had to stop my stress level, it went so bad, that my body had to put an end to my endless fighting and pushing myself. I was out sick for 3 weeks, not able to do anything. I have trouble sleeping, trouble eating... I get all sorts of colds and virusses because my body is beat down. The problem with me is that I cannot accept that I am not capable of doing everything. I cannot accept that I can´t handle it all, which is why I beat myself down to the point where my health is in danger.
It soooo frustrating! Anyway.... I will need to take my time off, and then see you in 2015. I can´t wait till I get my energy back and the want to draw again.

Take care!